The Taraval Parkside Merchants Association successfully applied for a Capital Grant from the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development. We will be working on implementing a Facade Improvement Program for at least four businesses on Taraval Street. Hopefully these facelifts will inspire continued improvements along our corridor!!!
From a press release from the Mayor’s Office (April 20, 2010):
Mayor Gavin Newsom today announced that the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) has awarded a total of $520,464 dollars through the Commercial District Capital Grant Program to support the City’s commercial corridors and local business districts.
San Francisco’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) is providing one-time funding for strategic capital projects in targeted neighborhoods to help stimulate the local economy. Projects were selected through a competitive process requiring the demonstration of a short-term time frame but long-lasting positive impact within the neighborhood.
The catalytic role of the arts in community development, and its contributions toward creating vibrant communities in a neighborhood commercial district is an example of a qualifying project. Some examples of potential uses of the program funding include façade projects, tenant improvements, commercial outdoor enhancements and amenities.
“San Francisco owes much of its global appeal to the unique character of its neighborhood commercial districts,” said Mayor Newsom. “Small businesses in these commercial corridors are the lifeblood of our local economy. These grants for strategic capital projects in targeted neighborhoods will help stimulate the local economy and help ensure that these corridors weather these tough economic times.”