People of Parkside Sunset

Come play Take Time for Taraval bingo, a new community game to support small businesses on Taraval during Segment B construction of the L Taraval Improvement Project. Anyone can participate in the game by collecting icon stickers on our bingo-style game board, which can be entered at one of our raffle events for a chance to win some awesome prizes!


參與Taraval酬賓遊戲,在L Taraval改善項目B段施工期間,支持本地小企業商戶。您可從商家處購物收集貼紙,集滿遊戲卡,參與抽獎活動,有機會贏取大獎!


How to Play

Taking Time for Taraval is easy: to play, visit one of our participating businesses (see the list below) and ask for a game board.

  1. Collect your game board at a participating business.
  2. Fill out your contact information on the back of your bingo card.
  3. Collect stickers by making purchases at participating businesses to complete a row of three, four corners, or complete the entire board of nine by shopping at participating businesses.

    • If you complete a board with nine squares, you will automatically receive a completion prize and you will qualify to enter a grand prize raffle.
    • All purchases, big or small, will count towards you earning a sticker!
  4.  Please email [email protected] to schedule a pick up. You will visit 1444 Taraval Street to pick up your prize.



  1. 前往參與商家領取遊戲卡
  2. 在Bingo卡背面填寫您的聯絡資訊
  3. 在參與商鋪購物收集貼紙,完成任一排三格、四角,或填滿整張九宮格遊戲卡
    • 填滿整張九宮格,就可直接贏得完成獎,並有資格參與大獎的抽獎活動
  4. 瀏覽POPS website查看抽獎活動資訊 參與社區抽獎活動並提交完成的九宮格遊戲卡,就有機會贏取禮品卡、贈品等!玩家必須出席每次抽獎活動才能贏得獎品。若您無法在中獎當天領取獎品,請郵件聯繫[email protected]或在以下地址1444 Taraval Street領取。詳情請參閱網站細則。

Collect Stickers From Businesses




Upcoming Raffle Events

Enter your completed boards for instant-wins or grand prizes at our raffle events while supplies last! Prizes include gift cards, cash, and more!

Enter your completed boards for instant-wins or grand prizes at our raffle events while supplies last! Prizes include gift cards, cash, and more!  For the most current information for Take Time for Taraval Bingo and dates of upcoming raffle events please visit




Want to become a participating business?

If you are a small business owner on Taraval Street from 15th Avenue to Sunset Boulevard, we invite you to join the Take Time for Taraval bingo game as a partner location where participants can collect stickers! We will provide you game cards and a unique icon sticker reflecting Taraval Street for participants to collect after they make a purchase at your business. If you have questions or want to become a partner business, please contact [email protected].


如果您是從15th Avenue到Sunset大道的Taraval街上小商鋪的所有者,我們誠邀您合作加入Taraval賓果遊戲,為參與者提供他們可以收集貼紙的商鋪!我們將為您提供遊戲卡和可以代表Taraval特色的趣味貼紙,供參與者消費購物後收集。如果您有疑問或想要成為合作商鋪,請發送電郵聯絡t


Open For Business

Take Time for Taraval encourages residents and visitors to shop small and support businesses on Taraval. This initiative is part of the Open For Business Program, a program led by the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), in partnership with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and the People of Parkside Sunset (POPS) to support small businesses impacted by construction along Taraval Street during the L Taraval Improvement Project.


Take Time for Taraval遊戲活動旨在鼓勵居民和遊客前往Taraval購物支持本地小商鋪。本項舉措是由經濟與勞動力發展辦公室(OEWD)攜手三藩市交通局(SFMTA)以及日落區組織People of Parkside Sunset(POPS)主導的商業開放(Open For Business)計畫的一部分,旨在支援在L Taraval改善專案期間受Taraval街沿線施工影響的小商鋪。


About the L Taraval Improvement Project

The SFMTA L Taraval Improvement Project is a multi-agency collaboration led by SFMTA to replace the aging infrastructure from the San Francisco Zoo to West Portal Station. Once completed, the corridor will boast new water and sewer lines, transit priority traffic signals, bulbouts, high visibility crosswalks, safety boarding islands and increased accessibility to make pedestrian crossing safer. Streetscape style elements will include tree selections, decorative crosswalks, trackway accent colors and public art. The upgrades will make Taraval a more inviting and attractive choice for visitors and San Franciscans to access shops, restaurants and services along Taraval Street. For more information, visit


Taraval沿街L段施工項目是由 SFMTA 領導的多機構合作項目,旨在翻新從舊金山動物園到West Portal Station站的老化基礎設施。 一旦完工,Taraval將擁有新的供水和下水道、交通優先交通信號燈、燈泡、高能見度人行橫道、安全島和更好的可達性,使人行道更安全。 新街景風格元素將包括樹木、人行橫道裝飾、軌道強調色和公共藝術。 一系列升級將吸引更多遊客和舊金山本地居民前往 Taraval 光顧沿街的商店、餐館和服務商舖。請瀏覽 網站瞭解更多。