In 1990, I started my Bookkeeping and Tax business on Taraval Street. Like most Asian Merchants on Taraval, I didn’t pay much attention to what was happening in the neighborhood, just worked hard to build up my own business.
A couple of years back I realized that had to be changed, as the economy is changing. So I joined the Taraval Merchants Association to get more connected to what is happening City-wise and District-wise.
Regarding the recent proposal of the opening of a marijuana dispensary on Taraval, I was surprised to find a huge turn out from the Asian community at the commissioner hearing, even waiting the whole day at City Hall until the hearing ended at 3.30 am the next morning!
My applause to you all! However, what kind of support the Taraval Merchants are giving back to our community as well as the few of us in the association who have been trying so hard to keep our “Street” clean and safe!!
Pauline Sham
TPMA – Treasurer